Self introduction by English teacher Lacey

この記事では、当サイトのYouTube動画「English Teacher Lacey | Self introduction (Re-Edit Ver.)」の日本語訳を公開します。



Hello everyone. And welcome to Eigo Love, your English Learning channel.
こんにちは皆さん。英語学習チャンネルEigo Loveへようこそ!

My name is Lacey and I will be your English teacher for today. In this video, I am going to take the time to introduce myself so you can get to know me better.

My home country

[Playback Position:36sec]

I grew up in the US. I’m from the state of Kentucky.

Maybe you know Kentucky Fried Chicken.

If you don’t know Kentucky, it is to the east of the US.

Kentucky is famous for horse racing, but not much else.

It is the countryside, but I grew up there and I love it.

My family

[Playback Position:1min 1sec]

My family is a bit complicated, but to sum it up, I have two half-sisters and one-half brother.

My sisters are 8 and 11, and my brother is 9. They’re very young, but very cute.

For more about me, I am actually 22 years old right now.

My full-time job

[Playback Position:1min 24sec]

I live in Japan and I work as an assistant language teacher at elementary schools and junior high schools.

I’ve lived in Japan now for about a year now and it is quite fun.

That’s not all I do, after my full-time job, I also teach private lessons to both children and adults.

I really like getting one-on-one time to get to know students better.

My hobbies

[Playback Position:1min 51sec]

Aside from my job, I have many hobbies. I like to salsa dance, belly dance, do trapeze like you see at the circus, aerial silks, and aerial lyra.

I also really love traveling.

So far, I have been to six different countries. I have been to Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, and the US, if that counts.

Comedy movies

[Playback Position:2min 26sec]

Aside from my hobbies, I really love cats and comedy. So I really enjoy watching different stand-up comedy movies or just comical movies on Netflix.

Food and Cooking

[Playback Position:2min 45sec]

And I really love food and cooking. I often baked in the US. Unfortunately, I don’t have an oven in Japan.

I am trying more different recipes that don’t require an oven. It’s hard, but it is still fun. And I get to eat a lot of delicious food.

My dreams

[Playback Position:3min 11sec]

My dreams for the future are not quite defined, but I hope I can do something that involves both English and dancing in my free time.

Maybe along the lines of part-time English teacher and part-time dance teacher…. I think that would be really cool, but I still have a long way to go with my dancing.

My future goals

[Playback Position:3min 35sec]

So, my future goals are to help all of you learn English and hopefully make a difference.

I really want to just help other people find happiness and reach their goals. And hopefully help myself do the same.

Recommended study method

[Playback Position:3min 52sec]

I have one big recommendation for learning English that I would like to share with you.

It is something that I do when I study Japanese.

A lot of times, people like to just focus on textbooks or passively listen to TV shows.

But when you are learning a language, passive learning through TV shows doesn’t quite work and textbooks can get a little bit boring.

So what I really recommend is when you are watching a TV show in the language you are trying to learn, so hopefully English, that you have a notebook and you commit to taking 5 memos, 5 new words that you didn’t know before.

[補足説明]new wordsのnewは形容詞で「(あなたにとって)なじみのない」というニュアンス。

If you try to write down everything, it will get overwhelming, it will be hard to remember all of the words, and watching the TV show will become a boring task.

But if it’s just 5 words, it doesn’t take the much time, it is easy to remember, and it is manageable. This is what I do, and it is what I recommend for all of my students and I hope you give it a shot.

Hope you enjoy my future videos

[Playback Position:4min 56sec]

Aside from that, I just want everyone to know that I am really committed to helping you in anyway I can.

So if you have any questions or comments at any time, always feel free to leave them down below.

I really hope you enjoy my future videos and let’s learn English together.

Thank you so much for watching

[Playback Position:5min 14sec]

Thank you so much for watching. If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up.

And if you wanna see more of my English videos in the future, please subscribe down below.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them in the comment box. Until then, see you next time. Bye