Describing Colors | English Color Vocabulary

In this article, we’re going to cover describing colors. First, we’ll do a basic review of color names. Next, we’ll go over words to describe colors. And finally, we’ll teach you some new color names for more advanced colors.

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Title: Describing Colors | English Color Vocabulary

Video Transcript

Hi everyone. Welcome back to our channel. My name is Stephanie and today’s video is about describing colors. In today’s video we’ll cover three topics. First, we’ll do a basic review of color names. Next, we’ll go over words to describe colors. And finally, I’ll teach you some new color names for more advanced colors.

So I hope you’re excited for today’s video. Let’s get started.

Basic Color Review

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Okay, so first, we’ll start with basic color review. This is a good chance to practice your pronunciation. You can repeat each word with me. I’m sure you already know these names, so we’ll go over quickly and it will be a fast review.

[Playback Position:50sec]

Okay, here we go.

[Basic colors]

• Blue
• Red
• Green
• Yellow
• Orange
• Pink
• Purple
• Black
• White
• Gray

Okay, so we’re done with the basic color review. I hope you practiced your pronunciation with me. If you would like another video focusing on how to pronounce words, please let me know in the comments section below.

How to describe colors #1: Saturated

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Okay, next let’s talk about how you can describe colors. When we’re describing colors, a very useful word to know is saturated. Saturated. If a color is very saturated, it means it’s very powerful or intense or strong. Let me explain with an example. Let’s use blue. So if this is our basic blue, then we can say this blue is more saturated. You can see the color is more intense and strong. And this blue is less saturated because the color is less strong. So our first vocabulary word today is saturated. You can say this blue is very saturated. Or it’s very saturated blue. And this blue is not a very saturated color. So remember, if a color is very saturated, it means the color is very strong or intense.

How to describe colors #2: Vivid

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Another way you can describe a saturated color is saying it’s a vivid color.

– Vivid
– Vivid

So you can say this is a very saturated blue, or it’s a very vivid blue.

How to describe colors #3: Bright

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And a third way you can describe a very strong color is bright. We can say bright to mean there’s a lot of light somewhere. For example, if a room is very bright or very dark. But you can also use it to describe colors. And for colors, it means that it’s very strong or intense. So you can say this blue is very saturated, or very vivid, or very bright. So those are three words that you can use to describe a very strong color.

How to describe colors #4: Neon

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And a fourth way you can describe a strong color, but it’s a bit more specific is neon. Neon. For example, this is green. And this is neon green. This is yellow and this is neon yellow. So when you’re beginning to learn how to describe colors, I recommend using vivid and bright because they’re very easy to understand words. The words saturated and neon are a bit more higher level. So again, if you’re only gonna remember one or two words for describing a strong color, I recommend using vivid or bright. But all four vocabulary words together are saturated, vivid, bright, and neon.

How to describe colors #5: Faded

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So we talked about strong colors, but what about the opposite. What if a color is not very strong? We can say it’s faded.

– Faded
– Faded
– Faded

So again, if this is our basic blue and this is a bright blue, then this is a faded blue. Faded.

How to describe colors #6: Pastel

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Another word to describe a color that is not strong is pastel. Pastel. So you can say this is regular pink or a normal pink. And this is faded pink. Or you can say a pastel pink. So the two new words for describing a color that is not very strong are faded and pastel.

How to describe colors #7: Light and Dark

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We can also describe colors as light and dark. For example, green. This will be our basic green. This would be a light green and this would be a dark green. So you can describe a color as light and dark. And you can also say the color is light and vivid or light and faded. Or dark and vivid or dark and faded. So you can use these different vocabulary words together to really describe exactly what color you’re thinking of.

[Playback Position:5min 52sec]

Let’s review these new words one more time.

• Saturated
• Vivid
• Bright
• Neon
• Faded
• Pastel
• Light
• Dark

Great job.

Specific color names

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Now let’s move on to the third part of today’s video. So, earlier in today’s video, We already did a review of basic color names. For example, blue, red, green, yellow, etc. But what if you want to talk about a very specific type of red or a very specific type of blue. Now, we’ll go over some names of specific colors so that you can better describe the colors you’re thinking of. So, of course, if you’re trying to describe a color, you can always just say, “oh, it’s very bright red, or it’s a dark pink”, but maybe these specific color names will be helpful to you.

Let’s get started.

[Playback Position:7min 12sec]

This one is magenta.

– Magenta
– Magenta

As you can see, it’s kind of similar to a pink, or a purple, but if you want this exact color, the name is magenta. Next, we have teal. teal. teal. As you can see, teal is similar to a green or a blue.

Next we have turquoise.

– Turquoise
– Turquoise

And again, turquoise is similar to a green or a blue. But it’s a bit more bright and lighter than teal was.

Next, we have navy.

– Navy.
– Navy.

So navy is a very specific shade of blue.

[Playback Position:8min 11sec]

Next, we have beige.

– Beige
– Beige

You can see, beige is similar to white, but it has a bit more yellow or orange tones in it. It’s a bit warmer than a regular white. For contrast, here is white and here is beige.

Next, we have hot pink.

– Hot pink
– Hot pink

So hot pink is a very bright, almost neon kind of pink.

Next, we have coral.

– Coral
– Coral

You can see, coral is similar to red or orange.

Next is maroon.

– Maroon
– Maroon

You can see maroon is similar to maybe a red brown and purple mix.

And very similar to maroon is burgundy.

– Burgundy
– Burgundy


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So that’s it for today’s video. Thank you for watching. I hope you learned something new. Being able to describe colors accurately can be very helpful in many situations. For example, if you’re taking an art class, or you’re going shopping for clothes. Or if you’re decorating your home and you want to buy some paint. So I’m sure you’ll have a chance to use these words in the future. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section below. And don’t forget to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more content. Thank you for watching. I’ll see you in my next video. Bye!